Friday, April 30, 2010

I had a marvelous idea for a blog post last week ...

I had a marvelous idea for a blog post last week ... sure wish I could remember what it was. I think I'll just plug in the phone camera and download some random photos from the last month

Friday, April 23, 2010

Haven't had much wandering time ...

Wondering yes, but wandering no. What have I been doing?  This:

If you look out the back window you'll see a planter behind me and reflected in my glasses a field in front of me.  That's been pretty much it this week until it rained.  So I splurged and got a haircut.  Do I know how to be extravagant or what?

That funny thing on the side of my head is a BlueParrot 250X Bluetooth noise canceling headset.   Some folks think it sounds great, others do not.  From my end it is a great thing.

I need to be catching up on paperwork but my brain got kind of fogged so I decided to exercise a small diversion and make a post here.  I'd go to AgTalk or Facebook, but  I know once I did I'd get distracted and not get back tonight.

Going to have to take time off tomorrow evening for the funeral home.  Don Thompson passed away from an apparent heart attack.  Gonna miss him.

Well, I think I'll get a soda and then decide whether to continue or take the night off.  Later, Y'all

Thursday, April 15, 2010

SEG Grant!

 No time for an extensive post.  Just a quick note.  We Got It!  The WU Fire Dept has been notified we are getting an SEG Grant for $24,500 to replace our outdated SCBA air tanks!

More work for me, but it's good work.

Gotta go plant corn

Friday, April 9, 2010

Well, it's begun ...

Yes, it's time for the most dreaded activity of the year.  No, it's not taxes.  I started mowing this evening.

No, I didn't take any photos.

I've got a feeling I'm going to get tired of mowing this year.   Maybe it's because all I've mowed is the yard at Husi's and I'm already tired of it.  We put more hours on the mower last year than 2 or 3 of our field tractors!  Seriously!  I know the mower got more hours than the 966
 and 7120. 
  Maybe more than the 7210
But it beats a bunch of sheep.

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