Thursday, July 29, 2010

Setting at the desk in the middle of the afternoon ...

It's a beautiful day.  Sun is shining, light breeze, little warm but it IS late July it's supposed to be warm.  So why am I setting at the desk on the computer?  Well, I'm waiting on a phone call.  "I'll call you back just as soon as I look this over"  I would've had them call my cell phone, but I need to be able to look over some documents when she calls back.  Shortly.

I had to scan some FSA documents for crop insurance and email them to my agent.  Did that.  

Still no phone call.

So I guess I'll write on my blog.

Still no phone call.

So how has the day been otherwise?  Not bad.  I did some more painting on the bolt bins.  Oh, I didn't mention them?  Neighbor is a retired farmer.  Never was a big farmer but between farming and selling seed and other stuff he raised a family and kept the bills paid.  They have decided to move to town to a smaller place.  He had these old bolt bins in the shed, told me if I wanted them I could have them.

"They need a little work, but they're OK"

We went and got them Monday.  I forgot to take a before photo but they weren't too bad.  Not new, but have potential.  Back was loose, paint was peeling, just old bolt bins.

Phone call!

Yes, she's in the other room.  Just a minute ....

Anyway, Aman put some scrap plywood on the back to hold it together.  I scraped them, got out a can of Dad's leftover paint.  Threw it away and got another one.  Threw it away. Got out another and painted until it ran out. Finally got some exterior white latex Sue had at home and painted them.  Today I got out a quart of IH red Dad had.  Threw it out.  Found a quart of Oliver Green about half full not know WHY Dad had a can of Oliver green.  Painted the trim a bit.  I think they turned out OK for what we started with and no more than we have invested.

Now we just have to decide where to put them and what to put in them.

Aman got a new hot rod last week.  Bought a little Hyster 3 wheel fork lift

He added a bracket on the back and stuck on a couple more weights we had setting around.  He's out of town for a couple days in sales training with Beck's and I had a little time this morning so  I decided I'd paint the weights and surprise him.

He's going to be surprised.

I took off one weight, painted the one left, and put the other one back on to paint it.  Well ... they're really heavy ... and I may not have set it down on the bracket as gently as I should have.  But I really think the bracket needs reinforced.
Maybe remounted.  At least my toes weren't under it.

OK, it's 3:00.  I'm tired of waiting all afternoon for a phone call.  I'll see y'all later.

Phone will ring as soon as I leave the driveway.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Its VBS Week!

It's VBS Week!  I know, for some folks that doesn't mean much.  My kids are all going "Ohhhh..."  Because they know what VBS Week means around our house.  Maybe I better pause and explain what VBS is.

VBS is an acronym for Vacation Bible School.  In our case in means a little church that has trouble getting over 100 people there on any given Sunday has special gatherings every evening for a week bringing in 60 to maybe 100 kids 6th grade and under.  Tonight was a little slow, only had 60 kids.  15 were in the 1st-3rd grade group.  We had probably twice that in the group younger than 1st grade.  I took some photos ...

No, that isn't out of focus.  It's just hard to find a kid setting still long enough to get their picture.  There is one time you MAY have a chance ...  

Sue and I have always been actively involved in VBS.  The only time I haven't been involved was when it was held in June.  I've not asked lately, but we used to folks in church who took the week off as vacation time. I do know we have people who scheduled their vacation to be AFTER VBS.  Probably a sharp move.

Around our house VBS week means that by the time we get home at night we're exhausted.  And during the day there will inevitably be cookies to bake, craft items to go after,  lesson materials to pick up, something extra to do almost every day.  I'll get started on the farm a bit later than usual, and have to quit a bit earlier.  But maybe a little personal sacrifice is good for the soul?

We have about 40 adults doing things they wouldn't normally do with nearly 100 kids, many of whom never go to church.  There is a level of excitement you don't see in church most of the time.

It is totally exhausting.


On a personal note, I had a message on the answering machine from Darrell Anderson of Successful Farming radio wanting to talk about my blog.  I may be infamous again!  Anyway, I'm going to go crash.  Later Y'all,

Just got off the phone from an interview with Darrell.  He is working on shows for mid-August.  When I get a better idea when it will air I'll let everyone know.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Going the wrong way ?

I'd been out irrigating this evening.  For those who don't understand what that means, after supper (yes, supper, Dinner is served at noon) I jumped on the ATV and switched the pump from one irrigator to the other.  (Not complicated, just shut one down, open and close some valves to redirect the water, unplug and plug in the 480 volt wire and the safety wire, bring the system up to pressure and voltage, drive 3/4 mile to the other pivot, start it, drive 3/4 mile back to the pump and set the safety switch ... nothing to it)  Then I changed the shut off switch setting on another irrigator, checked on 2 others, got on the tractor with the Bush Hog and mowed an irrigator alley and some seed field end rows, jumped back on the ATV and shut down a system that had completed its circle, and came home.

Just an average evening during irrigation season.

Anyway, I'm setting there at the stop sign on Rt 1 at 9 PM when this van drives by pulling a cargo trailer.  Name on the side was some Gospel Quartet from Tipton, Indiana.

I just did a Google search for Gospel Quartet Tipton and found a web site ( for The Disciples Quartet with photos of all 5 members ....  Their web site says

July 17 : Cross Ties Gospel Barn
West York, IL - 6:00pm

 Hmmm... 6 members of the quartet in that photo ..

Anyway, back to my tale.  They go a block up the highway, kind of hesitate, and turn off.

You know they either missed their turn or are lost.

So I circle around through the alley to see if I can help.  They turn left in front of me and head east on Main Street. I sat and watched their tail lights go over the hill and thought to myself "Them boys are lost".

I could be mistaken.  They might know exactly where they are going.  They might be staying overnight with a friend.  Or they could still be wandering around the river bottoms.  I'm pretty sure they didn't go to Darwin and cross the ferry.

It did make me pause and wonder how many times we take off on the wrong path leaving someone standing there able and willing to give us direction?

Another thought came to mind as well.  I bet they were following directions from a GPS unit.  How many times do we follow the direction someone else points us instead of thinking it through ourself?

This could make an interesting communion meditation. Or it might work for a start to the Sunday morning message I have to work up for Family reunion.    Maybe I should save it.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Asphalt Gypsies

I thought I showed admirable restraint and self-control.

The Asphalt Gypsies hit the area yesterday.  At least 4 different guys running around with "a truckload of asphalt left over from a job down the road". The black pickup stopped by our house.  I saw a red  one with some name of the side at the gas station.  There were at least 2 white ones. I don't know, they might have a good product at a good price. I've never been in the mood to play games with them when they showed up.

I had an irrigator nozzle plugged, the flood nozzle that hangs down from the end .  The only one you can get to without climbing a tower or getting a ladder. So I shut the system down and go get the 966 to work on it.   I'm out in hottest day of the year so far with a tractor in the muddy end rows of the field standing on a wet tractor fender, water soaked shirt and pants, dripping off my hat, water running down my arms, trying not to fall off while removing, cleaning, and reinstalling a nozzle, when this guy pulls up on the road.  He stops, (doesn't get out) rolls down the window and hollers something I can't hear for the tractor running.

Now students, let us visit a few of the basics in Salesmanship 101 and the sub-course dealing with farmers.  Naw, probably not necessary at this point.  You already see how this is going to turn out.

I finally make out "Do you own this farm down the road?  Want to asphalt the driveway?"

I didn't take the time to say what I REALLY thought.

But as he drove away I thought of how I SHOULD have responded.  I'd have said "I'm kind of busy but my wife was just talking about that. Go down the road here to 2200. It's a couple miles.You go past the gravel road that has the sign that says "Road closed during wet weather" another mile or so farther to 2200.  Then go south to the 2nd house on the right."

By now Steve  is going "Where?"  Because you see, there is no 2nd house on the right.  If he follows that road until it ends there not only is no 2nd house, there is no other house.  And the one on that road is unoccupied.  By the time he got back out of the Wabash River bottoms I'd have been long gone.

I did think about saying "I'm kind of busy, but my wife and I were just talking about that.  Go down here around the corner to the first house on the left and talk to her about it"  But I was afraid Cheryl would figure out it was me that sent him ...

Sunday, July 11, 2010

So much to write about ...

So much to write about, too lazy to do it.  Mom had company this week.  Think Dale is related to Dad?
Chevrolet ... Red ... BUMPUS on the plates.
I was afraid to ask if the ignition switch worked properly (inside joke)

Had a little wind late last week.  Blew down mom's flagpole without a flag on it!
Broke it off at the ground!  Also broke half the Ash tree and tossed it
Right on top of her little peach tree.
We had a wagon setting south of the shed.  Blew it close to 100 ft.
Would have went further but the hitch really dug in
Broke the top out of a cedar tree at Neal's.  Mom says just remove the whole thing.
On a lighter side the boys stayed with us Friday evening. Adam wanted to get out Pap-paw's marble raceway. We put it together and had a great time.  The first version was a little too tall.
Later we re-engineered it so it went all the way to the floor and the high part wasn't so far above the table.  David would put the marble in the top, then run around to the bottom to be there when it arrived.  Takes constant supervision but very good practice for fine motor skills.

So I'm setting here writing this and eating some yogurt with a July 12 expiration date on it.  Wonder how you tell when yogurt is bad?  July 12 ... July 12 ... seems like that date is important for some reason. Seems like something important happened July 12 35 years ago ....

Monday, July 5, 2010

I Think I Can I Think I Can

For some reason, when I was looking at Ben's car this morning I was reminded of a children's book ...

No, he really wasn't trying that.
He doesn't have a hitch on the Beetle ...


Had an interesting exchange of emails this weekend.  John Walter (Executive Editor of Successful Farming Magazine) and I exchange email from time to time.  He sent me this:

I enjoyed looking through your blogs a bit. One question I have: Why do you keep two blogs? How do you feel they differ in terms of content and style?

I’d like to promote them on our new site, which we’ll be re-launching in a week or two.

So I guess I could be infamous again.

Oh, here is what I told him:

Wonderings from Walnut Prairie is supposed to be more of a personal blog.  The other one was actually started as a placeholder for my url and  I had thought about a farm web site and found was already taken by someone in Ohio. So I took advantage of a GoDaddy promo and grabbed .us and .info.  OK, now that I have them what do I do with them?  I set up a blog on blogspot in about 10 minutes and linked both url's to it.

So who knows, I might be in SF again.

Saturday, July 3, 2010


I was taking with a couple guys the other day and mentioned my concerns with wheat.  We just do not seem to be able to grow wheat like we should any more. I recently stumbled across Jim Martindale through an email a friend sent me  The jury is still out on my opinion, but if he is correct we are in a world of hurt. I've found some articles by Jim, Don Huber and others and have just glanced through them and started back through reading it a bit more slowly.  If it is real it is scary.

The starting place is  At first it looks like a page promoting some farm equipment.

If you click on the Soil Health News tab, at the bottom are links to articles titled Coming Home To Roost.  It is a 3 part series of 4 articles (this guy sounds like me) I am still wondering through.

Another paper is Huber's on crop nutrient interaction.  Click on this link to download the pdf file

I realize Jim is promoting his own miracle tool.

I am looking at the information he is starting from and wondering if maybe, just maybe, he might be on to something?  If he is it is really scary.

I guess it concerns me because it is starting to answer a question I asked 35 years ago I have yet to get a good answer for. In a discussion about herbicides in a college class the comment was made the chemicals broke down after so many days.  When I asked "break down into what?" nobody could give me an answer.  In asking a similar question for over 30 years I have never gotten what I consider a good answer.  I'm not sure this is the answer ... and if it is true it is not good.

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