Friday, April 29, 2011

We're ready

Aman and I have been trying to get some tractors ready for the tractor drive Saturday.  I have promised a couple people a tractor to drive if they showed up.  Kind of looks like they won't be able to, which may be just as well.

Since I am the first owner outside the Strohm family, I had this wild idea in the back of my mind to get the 3010 all fixed up and talk one of the Strohm family into driving it.  It was running well, Aman and I replaced the generator and oil pressure indicator lights, put the hood on fired it up to make sure they worked, turned it off ... and that was the last time it ran.

We dragged (literally) the H and M out of Gramp's barn.  They hadn't been started in probably a year.  Aman aired the tires up, I put new batteries in them and the H fired right off.  The M was a bit more contrary.  I drained the gas out, (I threw a bucket full in the driveway and lit matches would not set it off.  I finally held a butane grill lighter to it to get the old rotten gas to burn.)  Aman replaced the plugs, nothing seemed to work. I told Aman "Dad's first words were always 'It's the points'" so we pulled  the cap and rotor off and looked at them. Seemed to be OK.  But as I went to replace the rotor I noticed it was rusty.  I took it to the steel brush wheel and polished it up. Put it together and she fired right up.

I've washed and cleaned and degreased and cleaned ... didn't get so nuts as to wax anything ... the H and M.  We got to looking, the H has been run 3 hours since 2007.

Aman brought his B John Deere down,

I jumped on the M,

and we took them to Husi's to be closer to the park Saturday morning.  Later we took the H down just in case someone else wanted a tractor to drive. I considered taking Baby (the little 4 wheel drive tractor) but it has duals all around and might be difficult on a tractor drive.  But if it is cold Saturday morning I might change my mind.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I was feeling pretty good yesterday

It had not rained all day.  The sun came out.  The wind blew.   It was a great day.  Sue and I were watching "Have Gun Will Travel" and I fell asleep on the couch.  I was REALLY disappointed to wake up to the sound of rain.  So what has it been like this week?  Here's some pictures to give you an idea.
Mill Creek south of Walnut Prairie
 This was Tuesday.  It's higher now.
 In case you can't read it, the sign says road closed during wet weather....

Monday, April 18, 2011

Early Easter present

G'ma went shopping and found a present for the boys she couldn't pass up.  So she got it and gave it to them early.  She found a cardboard playhouse you can also color on.  I think it was a hit.
The only problem is it walks around

I guess nothing is perfect

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Random thoughts

I thought about just posting the title "Random Thoughts" and leaving the text blank.

I've been having trouble with ringing in my ears, and one of the suggestions I have heard is cut out caffeine.  So we're in the process of cutting down ... possibly eliminating caffeine.  I've had a headache most of the day, but don't know if it is caffeine or sinuses.  I know better than just go cold turkey.  I did that once.  After about 3 days folks re going "Let me buy you a Coke"


I yelled at some kids in church Wed night.  I assist with a Jr High class.  Don't teach, just set in and offer words of wisdom ... OK, I just set in. After spending all day in school the kids can be a bit rowdy.   Anyway, at the close of class Michael has a prayer time.  We voice concerns then stand in a circle and pray.Well, kids being kids they were horsing around while Michael prayed.  After he finished I .. ummm ... well ..I asked them what prayer was?  When they replied talking with God I explained how disappointed I was with their behavior and told them to leave. They were the quietest they had been all night.


Need picture. How about some flowers?  My phone doesn't focus like I wish it did.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Because I didn't have any bricks ....

I've been feeding Cynthia
and the cats (well, I think there are cats.  I have only seen one cat and he was even halfway friendly after a week alone) while Aman and Becky have been in Florida with his Dad and family. Get mail, feed and water dog, check freezer and refrigerator, feed and water cats, clean litter box if needed ... kind of gets to be a routine.   Thursday I get the mail and start to the house when Bill from Bunker Hill stops to discuss  a couple fields.  After we talk a bit he looks up at the top of the garage and says "What's that?".

"That" was the ridge cap coming loose.
  So I got the ladder out and climbed up and looked at it.  I came back down after looking at it and hit the bottom step.  It went SNAP and felt rather unpleasant.
Fortunately it was the bottom rung and broke but I didn't go through it.
(Note to Aman:  burn the ladder)
So ... what to do?  I looked for nails.  DIdn't see any.  Probably very close to me but I didn't see them.  But I did see a piece of angle iron. Hmmmm...
Now, to most people my title for this may not make any sense.  But to those of us who knew Dad and have been around the chemical building and the oil shed it makes a lot of sense.   When Dad had trouble with shingles not sealing he would put a brick  on them to hold them down.  Very rarely did he remove the bricks.

By the way, trees are blooming in Darwin.

Friday, April 1, 2011

It's a great day!

The sun is shining, it's 78 degrees with an ever so slight breeze, the birds are singing, it looks like an unbelievably great week or two

Oh, and it's April 1

Right Now
Mostly Cloudy Today Tonight
Showers Partly Cloudy

Mostly Cloudy Showers Partly Cloudy
37°F 55° 34°

edit:  Sue and I both got hailed on today!  I was in Marshall, she was in Robinson !

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